
Lately I Love: 1930's Embroidered Ladies

Something I've been completely enamored with as of late, are these adorable embroidered and often hand-tinted or appliqued ladies.

Recently, I was at an antique shop and saw some lovely embroidered and embellished pillows with faces or silhouettes of beautiful ladies on them. I have always enjoyed sketching female faces and portraits. Add that to my love of embroidery and you have extreme inspiration! I have started one of my own, which is pictured first.

I wanted to my girl to be very elegant with an element of flora or nature. Her soft green headband has a small bouquet of lilies-of-the-valley and violets. I also made her be a redhead, of course.

Whether they are depicted as Southern Belles in a garden, a flapper with her modern bobbed hair and expressive face, or a mademoiselle of the late 18th century, I absolutely adore them. Here are some photos for inspiration.

Beautiful vintage boudoir pillow design


Tinted with ink and oil sticks, embellished with embroidery

Vintage Hand Embroidered Runner Southern Belle Parasol Garden Crocheted Edge

Lovely tinted muslin apron

old embroidery

Art Deco Hand Embroidered Lace Pillow Amazing Lady Hat | eBay
These photos are from Pinterest, see this board for more
amazing embroidery featuring these delicate dames.

I hope embroidering becomes a favorite pastime again.
Things always come and go, old trends resurface, so I think this would too.




Happy Valentine's Day!

Check out the
Sweetheart Sale at
Ruby & Mathilda on Etsy


Vintage Patterns: To Tape or Not to Tape

I wonder, when you see old sewing patterns that have tears and are dangling in pieces like a well-loved rag doll, do you wish they had been taped to prevent further wear? Or should they be left alone, kept pure, even if it means an unusable pattern?

As an owner of an Etsy shop, selling vintage patterns, in rough shape or not, I am not sure what to do when it comes to this issue. What do you prefer? Personally, I don't mind them being taped if it means saving a pattern from a DIY project or trash bin. But there are some tape jobs that are quite repulsive, however. I believe, if done tastefully, taping should happen.

Recently, when checking over patterns for completeness, I came across a pattern for a beachy ensemble. This pattern's envelope had the front detached from the back, with numerous rips, one being on the cover, starting from the top left to down right, about 3" long, about a third of the pattern. When looking at the pattern pieces, one of the shorts pieces had been folded and pinned together, not neatly mind you, and upon unpinning, I discovered that this shorts piece had been ripped across the hip, from one end to the other. Like a rogue amputation.

There is a bit of the tape coming through here, but has lost its stick.

From that point on, I decided to pull the pattern from my possible inventory, grabbed my iron and some tape (Most will advise you to use acid free tape, to prevent the yellowing that comes from most household tape), and began trying to perform pattern CPR. I also got the envelope carefully taped back together from the inside. The rips are still visible on the outside, but are secured from behind to prevent any more wear.

So, have you struggled with this or had this predicament? Please share your thoughts.



My Absence Has Brought You Something New!

Hello, dear readers. I know I have been AWOL, but it is for good reason. As most of you that appreciate vintage know, Winter is not a season in which there are rummage sales, estate sales, etc., (maybe for western and southern states) hence the reason for no monthly purchase posts recently.

I've always thought it would be neat to have a space at a flea market, a booth at an antique shop, anything to do with sharing and selling vintage. Well, this past fall, I looked through my stash of vintage patterns, linens, books and jewelry, amongst my other treasures to see if I even had enough to have a shop of sorts. I do! But what about rotating inventory, keeping it fresh? Yes, I think so. But, should I attempt this adventure? Can I handle it? What if I am not doing it right? How do I know if I am legally cooperating?! IRS, Debt, Fines, oh my!

Yikes. I got the information I needed to do things correctly, and did a lot of research. Now, I am ready, and have opened a shop on Etsy! If you have seen one of my purchases that you liked, maybe it will be available.

The name of my shop is Ruby & Mathilda. You can visit here to read about the name I chose and its significance. I hope you take the time to visit my shop and come along with me on this new journey!

Thank You!