A few weeks ago, I went to a rummage sale with my grandma, mom and brother (something we do very often) which was at a cute little 1950's house. After perusing a bit looking at the stuff for sale outside, I go into the house, the first room I walk into being the kitchen. Which was ADORABLE. It was pretty outdated, but at the same time you'd hate to change anything, because it was so cliche of what your grandmas house looks like. Perfect little 50's style kitchen. It was so great. On my way through the rest of the house, the lady running the sale said the clothes in the bedroom closets are her 80-something year old mother-in-law's, who is currently residing at the nursing home. All of the clothes were marked 50 cents each. (She also had some hats thrown on a rack outside, I bought one, which is the pink hat on my previous post, the one with the wacko bow.) I found a cute white top, nothing fancy, but super comfortable and light for summer. Then, my mom shows me this vintage pink ruffly dress in this elderly woman's closet. It was adorable, and at 50 cents, I know I couldn't leave without it. And I have to admit, I have put it on multiple times, just because it's simply fantastic. It's a little tight, but I don't have a girdle, so duh, I'm gonna feel like sushi! Anyway, the sale was great, and I love my elders, as usual. (I wish I knew where she wore the dress!) Here are the photos :)
I didn't even realize that the hat I bought was
probably originally used with this dress in the first place! :)
The hat matches great!
It's so pretty and feminine.
I think it may have been handmade! :)
A little black and white fun.
Hope you enjoyed!
Have a good day!