I was nominated by Abigail of Sweeter Gets The Journey for my 3rd Liebster award! Thank you, Abigail!
If you've never received this award, this is what you do:
Answer the 11 questions your nominator gives you.
Think of 11 facts about yourself.
Nominate others, preferably those with under 200 followers.
Here are the questions Abigail gave for me to answer.
1. Do you play any instruments? If not, what would you like to play?
I do not know how to play any instruments. I've been asked a similar question in my previous award and said ukulele, but I would also like to play the trumpet.
2. What would you do with a billion dollars?
I would give a great majority to charity, like Autism research and childhood cancer research. With the remaining money, I would give some to my parents and brother, and buy a cottage with a screened porch by a lake.
via Pinterest
3. Where is your dream place to visit?
I would love to go to northern Poland or England.
4. What is your vintage dream car?
A black '56 Corvette

via Pinterest
5. What is your favorite word and why?
I don't really have one, but I guess I will say 'ethereal'.
6. Do you have any pets? If so, what, if not what would you like to have?
I have a wonderful tuxedo cat named Henry. If I could have any other pets, I would love to raise rabbits at my Father's house, or maybe eventually have birds.
7. What is your favorite season?
Spring, because everything feels fresh, new and clean. I love the smells.
8. Name one thing you are obsessed with right now
Gardening. We're pretty much a month behind because of the long winter.
via Pinterest
Sunny and breezy.
10. Hidden talents?
11. What helps pull you out of a bad mood?
A hug from my Mother.
11 Things About Me
1. I know how to drive a vintage Ford 8N tractor.
2. Bluebirds and Chickadees are my favorite birds.
3. I like to eat Campbell's Cream of Chicken... uncooked from the can.
4. I have a coin collection.
5. I love to rollerskate, but haven't gone in a long time.
6. I think I saw Adam Sandler in a New York city McDonald's once.
7. My mom and I always send out Easter and Christmas cards that we make ourselves.
7. My mom and I always send out Easter and Christmas cards that we make ourselves.
8. I am a leukemia survivor.
9. If I had a dog, I would want a collie.
10. I love filling out forms.
11. I love the smell of the ground after it rains.
The bloggers I choose to nominate:
Salvato Peas n' Pudding Around
Confessions of a Vintage Hoarder
Emily's Vintage Visions
Of Dust and Wonder
All Things Vintage
My questions for those I nominate:
The bloggers I choose to nominate:
Salvato Peas n' Pudding Around
Confessions of a Vintage Hoarder
Emily's Vintage Visions
Of Dust and Wonder
All Things Vintage
My questions for those I nominate:
1. What was your first vintage purchase? (Or your favorite if you can't remember)
2. What is your favorite color to wear?
3. If you could go shopping with any vintage actress who would you choose?
4. Pearls or diamonds?
5. Dream place to visit?
6. If you could go to any past era, when would you choose?
7. Cinnamon or sugar?
8. Cary Grant and Montgomery Clift are both in love with you. Who would you choose?
9. Do you collect anything?
10. What is something that makes you happy?
11. Favorite month?
Thanks again to Abigail!